2014 Year in Review

Key People

Rachel Milkie

Founder/Year-round Staff

As a founder, Rachel had been working at Like a Lion since the beginning. During the year of 2014, Rachel was working year-round at Like a Lion, raising her 2 year old and working a full time nanny job. Despite her incredibly busy schedule she was dedicated to pushing the mission of Like a Lion forward.

Maddy Pascascio

Founder/Year-round Staff

Maddy, a founder of Like a Lion, had been working since the beginning. In 2014, Maddy was a full time student at IUPUI, studying nonprofit management, and working year-round to run Like a Lion. She was applying her studies directly to the organization as she was learning.

Sara Rogers

Founder/Summer Staff

Sara, a founder, was attending Cedarville University in 2014. She attended school during the year, but came back every summer to work at Like a Lion. Even when she was away, she was dedicated to being a consistent part of the Like a Lion student’s lives through through writing letters.

Cassie Trapp

After School Staff

Cassie was Like a Lion’s first official employee that was not a founder. She came into Like a Lion and brought passion and joy. She was patient with the founders as we navigated and developed our leadership and she served Like a Lion so well. Her compassion and love for the kids shown through everything she did.

Sydney Rogers


Sydney, Sara’s younger sister, began volunteering at Like a Lion at the age of 14. She originally served us by watching Rachel’s daughter during program hours, but while doing that she also built incredible relationships with the students. At such a young age she showed so much dedication, empathy and maturity.

Jeremiah Wright


Jeremiah got connected to Like a Lion after meeting one of the founders. He because an integral part of the summer program. He was the most consistent volunteers during the summer of 2014 and provided the students with a positive male role model. He jumped right in and became a wonderful part of the Like a Lion family.


Program Snapshot


(Kids in Served)
Like a Lion served 18 kids during the 2014-15 year. 72% of the students served during this year were a part of or related to the origional Like a Lion group from 2012.
Although Like a Lion was unable to pay any empoloyees during the summer of 2016, they were able to pay 3 part time people for the after school program. Rachel, Maddy and Cassie all worked to run the after school program for the 2014-15 school year.


(Paid Staff)
  • Ran 2 days a week at Otterbein Untied Methodist Church
  • Students received HW help, dinner, bible study and worship
  • Kids were picked up from school by Like a Lion staff and dropped off at home after program.
  • 3 part time paid staff
  • Ran 2 days a week at Otterbein United Methodist Church from 10-4:30
  • Lunch, cafts, bible study, worship, STEM and free play were offered each day
  • Field trips were taken once a week
  • No paid staff


  • Like a Lion received their 501c3 status

  • A partnership with Otterbein United Methodist church was formed. They allowed Like a Lion to use their building to run programming.

  • The stability of programming increases with gaining a permanent space. Like a Lion was finally able to operate the program in the ways they always dreamed of.

  • Like a Lion did outreach to the neighborhood surrounding the church and gained new kids from the area directly next to the church.

  • Like a Lion was able to pay employees a paycheck for the first time!
